This is a problem that a lot of people are experiencing with the app. It's not always accurate with the time, and it can be really frustrating when you're trying to meet up with someone and the app tells you they're not available. Hopefully this will be fixed in a future update ! IOS and Android app that tracks your friends and family The app is called Find my friends, and it's an app that is available on both IOS and Android devices. It allows you to track your friends and family, and see their location on a map. However, some people have been experiencing problems with the time accuracy. The app has been known to say that people are not available when they actually are. This can be really frustrating when you're trying to meet up with someone and the app is telling you that they're not available. Hopefully this will be fixed in a future update! App is designed to notify you when they are in the area The app is designed to notify you when they are in the area...